Do you know those perfect days? ... the days when everything goes perfectly? ... Yeah, I don't either most of the time, which is why this day is worth pausing to note.
There was nothing all that amazing about the day, but in it's normal unfolding it just turned out perfectly!
We started out by grocery shopping. I made Larkin a shopping list with pictures of milk and eggs and some of the fruit and other food we needed ...
As you can see, she was busy writing on her list while I cruised around the store filling the basket with our goodies. As I would pull something off the shelf I would say, "Okay, we got the olives, cross olives off your list." and she would scribble with her pen on her list. It was the best shopping trip we've had in months!
We spent some time in the afternoon walking over to the park and collecting leaves and swinging and collecting more leaves.
When we got home had dinner and a family home evening on listening. We talked about using our ears to listen and made a silly listening hat with giant ears ...
We played "Mommy Says" and sang "Do as I'm Doing" and had brownies and ice cream for a treat.
Then it was into the bath tub and scriptures and prayers and bed time ...
Doesn't that sound like a perfectly ordinary day. It was. But everyone was happy and as we moved through the day together I was grateful for so many perfectly simple happy moments.