I wasn't feeling well this morning. I dozed in bed while my super-human husband fed, clothed, and prepared our daughter for church. Before long I found myself alone in our great big bed in our great big house and felt suddenly very disappointed in myself. "I am better than this." I thought to myself. And then I realized with a measure of sadness that in that moment I wasn't better than anything. To be better I must do better. A talk I heard this last spring came to my mind and I lumbered to my computer to read this. Tears flooded my eyes as I instantly felt the truth of this message and vowed to do better and be better, no matter how my body rebels.
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"May [my] efforts to develop Christlike attributes be successful so that His image may be engraven in [my] countenance and His attributes manifest in [my] behavior. Then, when [my] children or others feel of [my] love and see [my] behavior, it will remind them of the Savior and draw them to Him."
~ Lynn G. Robbins