Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Homemade Finger Paints

What do you get when you add sugar, salt, corn starch, and water? The perfect base for finger paints ... for cheap!

The recipe is simple.
3 T sugar
1 T salt
1/2 cup corn starch
2 cups water
food color

Mix everything but the food coloring in a pot and cook while stirring until the mixture becomes thickish. (Don't let the mixture come to a boil or become too thick)
Let the mixture cool and stir in food coloring. One batch of this goo made all the finger paints above.

If you have baby food jars, or small jelly jars, that is the best way to store these paints. We are fresh out of baby food jars these days, so we used tupperware containers today.


  1. You are the coolest mom! I want to come play at your house.

  2. My kids would love this!! Just read you're expecting...congrats!!!
